
Sciatica Uncovered: Root Causes and Tailored Chiropractic Care

Sciatica, caused by the irritation of the sciatic nerves due to impingement or compression, results in a particularly intense pain that is often experienced in the lower back, buttocks, and legs. This pain can significantly hinder your ability to perform everyday tasks, as it commonly reduces mobility and range of motion. The reason this pain can affect such a wide area is that sciatic pain radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which extends from the lower back, through the hips and buttocks, and down each leg into the foot.

The sciatic nerve is one of the largest and most robust nerves in the body, running from the lower back, through the buttocks and thighs, and into the legs and feet. It plays a crucial role in controlling movement in the thighs, legs, and feet. Sciatica can develop from various factors, including improper posture, musculoskeletal imbalances, and injuries. A bulging disc, also known as a herniated or prolapsed disc, can trigger sciatica if it presses on the sciatic nerve. Additionally, pressure from vertebrae or muscles can cause compression and irritation of the nerve. Given the anatomical differences among individuals and the varying combinations of musculoskeletal and neurological factors that can contribute to sciatica, it’s essential to establish a clear root cause diagnosis.

Common symptoms of sciatica, according to WebMD, include:

  • Burning or tingling sensations down the leg
  • Lower back pain
  • Hip pain
  • Pain in the rear or leg that worsens when sitting
  • Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the leg or foot
  • Constant pain on one side of the rear
  • A shooting pain that makes standing difficult

To effectively address sciatica, we begin with our unique 7-step, measurement-based chiropractic check-up, which we refer to as the first visit. This comprehensive approach includes readings, measurements, X-rays (if clinically necessary), and manual assessments, all of which provide a deeper understanding of your specific condition. By gaining insight into the unique factors contributing to your sciatica, we can formulate a root cause diagnosis. From there, we develop a personalised, measurement-based corrective healing program tailored to your needs.

Click the link above to book online, or call us on 02890 452200 to schedule your next appointment or your first and we’ll look forward to helping you.

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